Shinrai Summer Course – Daily Attendance, Thursday 29th July


10:30 am - 2:30 pm


Bookings closed


Jubilee High School
School Lane, Addlestone, KT15 1TB

Event Type

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Dear Students

You are invited to attend our forthcoming Summer Course:

Monday 26th – Friday 30th July 2021
10.30am – 2.30pm Daily
9.30am Start for 1st Kyu & Black Belts

Cost : Full Week
Juniors £100.00
Adults £110.00
(Family tickets also available)

Daily Attendance : £25 per day (Adults/Juniors)

The course will be taught by Sensei C David 6th Dan, Sensei B David 5th Dan and other Dan grades from the association.

All grades and abilities are welcome. Places are limited so book early.

There will be a grading at the end of the week for all students who have completed the required hours of training. There will NOT be any sparring on this course.

NB : Please bring lots of fluids and a packed lunch each day.



Bookings are closed for this event.